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Achieve Your Dream SAT Score with Careergeek

Start your SAT preparation today

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Trusted by 500+ SAT Aspirants

From SAT success to top-ranking universities:
Our students share their stories

Attending CareerGeek's SAT classes was a wise investment. The curriculum was very well-structured. Dillesh sir and Arohi ma'am were approachable and always willing to clarify doubts. Thanks to their guidance, I got into the college I always dreamed of attending.

Aanya Sharma, Student of Careergeek
Anaya Sharma University of California, SD,
80% scholarship SAT 1590

"I can't recommend these SAT classes enough! The instructors were not only knowledgeable but also passionate about helping students succeed. The class atmosphere was supportive and motivating, which made the learning experience enjoyable.”

Aarav Mande, Student of Careergeek
Aarav Mande University of Illinois,
SAT Score:1550

Arohi Ma'am provided valuable guidance for my SAT preparation, focusing on the areas where I struggled given my limited time. Taking around 30 proctored full-length tests helped me achieve a 1550 SAT score.

Shreya Ompreeti, Student of Careergeek
Shreya Ompreeti Perdue, SAT 1550
80% scholarship

"I enrolled in the SAT classes to improve my math skills, and I'm thrilled with the results. My professors were highly knowledgeable and offered personalized guidance based on my weak areas. Thanks to their support, I saw a substantial increase in my math score. Highly recommended!

Tithi Arekar, Student of Careergeek
Tithi Arekar UC Berkeley, 1380 in SAT,
2nd in world, 80% Scholarships

Why to choose Careergeek as your SAT Companion

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Ace the SAT Exam

Master every concept, stratergy , tool, and technique to earn a top SAT score.

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2,000+ practice questions

We work on all the official questions exclusively to help you ace the exam.

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Chat & Community Support

Every Student get direct access to the tutors and learners till their final admit

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Personalized for you

Get the personalized study plan that guides you through each step of your SAT Preparation.

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Guaranteed Success

Work with confidence with our best in class experts and learn to score 100% accuracy on each section.

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Performance Tracking

We handhold you at every step from teaching fundamentals to sectional work until full length mocks & analyze each step of your journey.

SAT Personalised Tutoring

Others Price ₹ 2.8 Lac+

Our Price ₹1,49,999

Meet your Mentors

Mr. Dillesh Kumar

Quant Tutor, CareerGeek

Ms. Arohi Sharma

Verbal Tutor, CareerGeek

Do you also want to achieve your dream
of studying in abroad?

Schools our students cracked

Now you can also prepare with our FREE Preparation Material on Youtube

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the course work on all devices?

It will cover all the topics which are essential for the selection in GMAT

How does the bootcamp prepare me for the actual GMAT test?

This course is ideal for students who are targeting round 1 applications and want an intensive, focused study plan to prepare for the GMAT in a short period of time.

How long is the GMAT Bootcamp, and what is the schedule?

The course lasts for 4 weeks. Detailed schedules with session timings can be downloaded from the link provided above.

Do i need to have a specific material/preparation before joining the bootcamp?

Yes, all enrolled students will receive comprehensive GMAT study materials, including theory videos, practice questions, sectional tests and class recordings.

What kind of support can i expect during the GMAT bootcamp?

Yes, the practice questions are designed to closely resemble actual GMAT questions to help you get familiar with the exam format.